WK3-0 시리즈

항온항습 챔버
약품안전성 장기 가속조건 테스트 장비
상품이미지 최대 사이즈
  • 상품이미지 1
  • HMS
상품 정보 표
판매가격 1
제조사/원산지 Weiss/프랑스
  • - +
    1원 X
총 합계금액 1

상품상세 배너
  • 상품상세설명
  • 고객상품평
  • 상품문의
  • 배송/취소/교환안내


카다로그 다운로드

l 특징 :

-> The interior fittings are entirely made of stainless steel offering a stor age area of 0.7m2 (Pharma 280), 2.07m2

(Pharma 600), 4.14m2 (Pharma 1300) and 6.21m2 (Pharma 2000) with 2, 6, 12 or 18 loose shelves which are supplied as a

standard feature.
-> The working range of the cabinets easily meets the requirements of the ICH Guideline Q1A.
-> The cabinets also permit the implementation of tests with other specifications in the performance range of the respective

-> Controlling of temperature and humidity is performed with highly precise sensors in combination with a specially designed

control unit.

The control system responds quickly in order to correct setpoint variations caused by

-> The influence of the cabinet’s contents (absorption or emission of water vapour by the test specimens or their packaging)
-> External influences (e. g. laboratory temperature, opening of door).

l Standard Version :

-> Digital measuring and control system Simpac* 3.5" TFT-colour touch screen display

-> Ethernet interface

-> Lockable doors

-> Password protected control panel

-> Door contact switch

-> 6 feet (Pharma 280) or 4 castors, 2 of which with brakes (Pharma 600, 1300, 2000)

-> stackable (Pharma 280)

-> Water tank, 13 l (Pharma 280) or 19 l (Pharma 600, 1300, 2000) with automatic and manual water supply of demineralised

humidification water

-> Air-cooled refrigeration unit with low noise emission

-> Patented vapour humidification system (Sterile Steam System)

l Options :

-> Colour touch panel

-> Software package Simpati* Pharma for recording and processing of measurement values

-> Networking of several systems

-> Serial interface RS 232 C

-> Registration of temperature and humidity

-> Additional temperature and humidity sensor

-> Acoustic and optical warning signal

-> Refrigeration unit, water-cooled

-> Glass door, heated (Pharma 600, 1300 and 2000)

-> Demineralisation unit with exchangeable cartridges for connection to domestic water supply

-> Additional shelves

-> Additional entry ports

-> Height-adjustable feet (Pharma 600, 1300 and 2000)

-> Qualification documentation for Pharma test system and Simpati* Pharma software

-> Special voltage

-> Analog outputs

고객 상품평

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재고가 있는 제품의 경우, 평일 오후 4시 이전 결제 완료시 당일 출고됩니다.
배송까지는 택배사의 상황에 따라 1~2일 이상 소요될 수 있습니다.
판매금액 기준 100,000원 이상부터 무료  배송입니다.
교환 및 반품을 위해서는 왕복택배비 10,000원을 동봉하여 거래명세표와 함께 물건을 보내주시기 바랍니다.
자세한 문의는 고객센터 02-508-1408로 전화 부탁드립니다.


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