ENDURO™ Laboratory Equipment Power Supplies

상품이미지 최대 사이즈
  • 상품이미지 1
  • 상품이미지 2
  • 상품이미지 3
  • 상품이미지 4
  • 상품이미지 5
  • 상품이미지 6
  • 상품이미지 7
  • HMS
상품 정보 표
판매가격 1
제조사/원산지 LABNET/미국
  • - +
    1원 X
총 합계금액 1

상품상세 배너
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  • 고객상품평
  • 상품문의
  • 배송/취소/교환안내


Intelligent Power Supplies for the Lab

The ENDURO™ Power Supplies are ideal for DNA, RNA and protein electrophoresis as well as blotting. They provide a high degree of sophistication and versatility yet are extremely easy to use. Three models are available to meet a variety of needs.

  • Dependable performance, intelligent control
  • Simple to program
  • Constant voltage, current or wattage
  • Compact, lightweight and stackable

Operating choices for the power supplies include constant voltage, constant amperage or constant wattage (250V model only) and timed or continuous operation. All operating parameters are set using the membrane keypad and displayed digitally on the backlit LCD. Safety features incorporated into the systems include automatic crossover, no load detection, sudden load change and over voltage protection. The units can also be programmed to restart in the event of a power disruption. The ENDURO™ 250V features a voltage range from 5 to 250V in 1V increments. Current is adjustable in 0.01A steps to a maximum of 3A. Wattage is adjustable in 1W steps up to 300W. The voltage range of the ENDURO™ 300V is from 2 to 300 V in 1V increments. The current is adjustable from 4 to 500mA in 1mA steps.

The newest addition is a mini 300V Power Supply and the PowerStack. This full featured power supply provides necessary power to run most horizontal gel and mini gel applications but is a smaller and more cost effective option. When used in conjunction with the PowerStack both bench space and power outlets are conserved.

Product Info

고객 상품평

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