Model 425

듀얼 채널 & 디지털 Flme Photometer
Na, K, Li, Ca 측정 가능
상품이미지 최대 사이즈
  • 상품이미지 1
  • HMS
상품 정보 표
판매가격 1
제조사/원산지 SHERWOOD/영국
  • - +
    1원 X
총 합계금액 1

상품상세 배너
  • 상품상세설명
  • 고객상품평
  • 상품문의
  • 배송/취소/교환안내


카다로그 다운로드 국문매뉴얼


The Model 425 Flame Photometer (475 42 500)
expands upon capability of the Model 420 Flame Photometer with addition of an additional detector and filter for Calcium determination. It also offers the "301 mode" feature which allows connection to a number of the more popular continuous flow systems. Both the Model 420 Flame Photometer and Model 425 Flame Photometer have RS232 output for printer or computer connection and are compatible with our Model 860 Autosampler for unattended sample analysis. Both models may be used with the Model 805 Continuous Flow Diluter, again in-conjunction with or without the Model 860 Autosampler.

We've added value and the option to enhance the capability of our Model 420 and Model 425 Flame Photometers in recent years. These Dual Channel instruments are now supplied with one of our high quality, standalone Model 851 Air Compressors included in the price of the Flame Photometer. This is a carefully selected, tried and tested Air Compressor which should give many years trouble free operation with your Flame Photometer.

In addition the Model 420 Model 420 BlueNotessoftware package is supplied with all Dual Channel Model 420 and Model 425 Flame Photometers. Should the user choose to operate their instrument with this software package they will soon realise it offers much more than just data handling, with the opportunity to greatly enhance the overall utility of the Model 420 and Model 425 Flame Photometer. See 420 BlueNotes

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배송까지는 택배사의 상황에 따라 1~2일 이상 소요될 수 있습니다.
판매금액 기준 100,000원 이상부터 무료  배송입니다.
교환 및 반품을 위해서는 왕복택배비 10,000원을 동봉하여 거래명세표와 함께 물건을 보내주시기 바랍니다.
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